The cast iron kadai big size enables you to make substantial amounts of dishes in one go.
The amount of oil used during the cooking process is low and thereby low intake of calories.
The body of this cast iron kadai is quite thick and the thickness helps in sustaining high heats for a long time.
Sparkenzy Cast Iron Skillet Pan:
Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron skillet pan is a healthy and budget friendly alternative to toxic Teflon coated Non stick pans. Cooking with Cast Iron Pans enriches your food with iron.
The Cast Iron skillet pan is very affordable, and suitable for all Indian Kitchens.
Skillet pan is suitable for all deep frying like fish, meat and vegetables. It is a versatile and healthy frying pan for you and your family.
Sparkenzy Cast Iron Fish fry Pan:
Made With Cast Iron FG 200 Grade with uni body double handle for safe operation
Non Stick by Nature, and optimized weight for easy handling
Non Toxic and maintain even heat- Lead/cadmium free
3 years Unconditional warranty
For General Fry, Fish, Meat, Omelette, Dosa, Roti, Pizza, Pan cake and more...